Monday, June 11, 2012


Dari dulu sampai sekarang.
Tetap setia dengan this two.
Their song = fucking awesome!
Totally orgasmic.

Friday, April 20, 2012

My Current Favourite Skin Care: Bio Essence Bird's Nest

Hello world!
Hari ni nak share sikit pasal skincare favourite aku for the time being. Last month start pakai Bio Essence Bird's Nest Series. Aku beli tiga jenis je. Facial cleanser, advancer dan cream. Advancer tu lebih kurang macam toner la jugak. Cuma lebih effective untuk menyerap segala nutrien yang diperlukan oleh kulit.

My personal review:
Skincare yang sangat awesome! Tak pernah kot aku rasa best after pakai skincare mana2 sebelum ni. Muka aku ni jenis berminyak gila. Pastu kadang2 naik jerawat. Parut jerawat dan jeragat tak usah citelah, memang dah sedia ada. Tapi bila pakai Bird's Nest ni 3 hari pun dah rasa ada perubahan. Kulit muka rasa bersih, lembut, dan gebu. Muka pun tak berminyak sangat. After 2 weeks, muka dah nampak cerah sikit. Parut dan jeragat pun dah less noticable. I'm sooo happy. Yeayy!

Harga skin care range dia boleh tahan jugak la. Tapi bagi aku worth it la sebab sesuai dengan muka aku kan. Cleanser dia memang best bila pakai, memang rasa bersih dan hilang la segala kotoran. Paling best pakai cream dia. Cream tu yang buat kulit muka jadi soft and glowing a bit. Teheee  sekarang dah tak perlu nak tepek foundation sangat. Aku just pakai bedak biasa je dah cukup.

Korang pulak bagaimana? apa skin care favourite korang? share la kat sini ^__^

Friday, March 23, 2012

Dedication To My 3 VVIP Best friends


Kita kawan baik dari high school. Banyak benda kita dah buat bersama2. Kita jadi budak nakal dan kita jadi budak baik. Awak tengok saya sedih, saya tengok awak sedih. Awak tolong saya, saya tolong awak. Kalau kita gembira, kita gembira sama2. Terpisah sebab awak pergi sekolah berasrama penuh. Saya merajuk sebab awak tinggalkan saya. Haha kelakar kan kisah kita? Sampai kita sama2 dah ke universiti pun saya merajuk lagi. Buat2 merajuk sebenarnya haha, But the truth is, saya rindukan awak, rindu kita di zaman sekolah dulu.

Tapi sekarang itu semua dah tak penting. Sejauh mana pun kita terpisah, kita tetap kawan baik kan? I got you, you got me. Terima kasih sangat2 sebab selalu ada walaupun bila saya susah :') dan jugak selalu ada bila saya senang. Saya akan cuba jadi kawan yang terbaik. I'll always stay by your side whenever you need me. If you need anything, just give me a call.

Love you lots Miss Silverose. ^_^ I wonder if you still remember this name.

Storm Trooper

Di universiti kita langsung tak pernah bercakap. Senyum? Entah. Aku tak pernah ingat kita pernah senyum kalau terserempak. Aku cuma berkawan dengan budak kelas kau. Kau berkawan dengan budak kelas aku. Kita? tak pernah berkawan pun. Pernah terfikir untuk berkawan ke? Rasanya tak pernah pun. Pelik kan life. Aku sampai sekarang masih lagi pelik haha. The fact that we became best friend via world wide web. Thanks to Twitter, i got to know you. Kita banyak persamaan, ada chemistry. Right? hehee.

Kita masing2 bermasalah. Selalu bermasalah. Sibuk dengan macam2 masalah. But one thing I know, whenever I need you, you will always be there. Listen. Whatever I pot pet pot pet to you, it never seems to bother you. You never judge me like everyone else. :')

Sayang kau. Enough said.


Tak perlu ada kawan ramai2. Kalau tak ada seorang pun yang sanggup stay masa kita susah. Tak perlu kisah kalau ada kawan baik hanya seorang dua, tapi mereka tetap ada walau seteruk mana pun kita.

You are like an angel from above. Thanks for choosing me as your best friend.

My New Toy: Diana Mini "Love Is In The Air"

Wahh..dah lama gila tak update blog! T__T

Lately aku selalu tak sihat. Lepas tu sibuk pulak membaking dan uruskan life aku yang makin tak terurus tu. -___- There's a lot of things that I want to post here, tapi aku selalu je tak ada masa aaaaaaa. Nak shoot nice picture pun tak sempat. Arghh I miss lomography very much! In previous entry, aku post pasal La Sardina Camera right? This time I'm introducing my new toy, erk actually my second new toy haha. Say hi to:

Cute kan? I bought this at RipCurl last time pegi KL hari tu. Nasib baik still ada stok untuk 'Love Is In The Air" punya version. Sebab yang ni dikeluarkan untuk Valentine's Day Edition last year kalau tak silap.

  • Uses all kinds of 35mm film (up to 72 shots in half-frame mode per 1 roll of 36 exp. film)
  • Shoots two film formats: square and rectangular half-frames
  • Multiple exposure feature available
  • ‘B’ mode for long exposures
  • Cable release attachment and tripod mount available
  • Compatible with Diana Flash

Gambar2 yang aku shoot guna Diana Mini masih belum sempat di scan. Tunggu nanti next entry lah ye.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Knowledge For Life: Shah Waliyullah Al Dahlawi


Pada awal abad ke 12 Hijrah,Shah Waliyullah telah mempelopori gerakan Tajdid wal Islah, iaitu gerakan pembaharuan dalam kesedaran dan pembangunan semula masyarakat Islam yang dipergiatkan lagi oleh Al-Sayyid Jamaluddin Afghani al Husaini dalam abad ke 13 Hijrah.

Pada zaman permulaan abad ini,orang-orang yang dianggap ulama’ pada masa itu pula menjadi penganjur kepada amalan-amalan bidaah dan khurafat.Perbincangan-perbincangan tentang masalah khilafiah baik yang berpunca dari Al-Quran atau Hadis atau Feqah seringkali berakhir dengan pergaduhan dan masam muka. Apa yang pasti, ulama’-ulama’ itu bersependapat di dalam mengekalkan orang-orang awam dalam kejahilan.

Demikianlah keadaan umat Islam pada awal abad ke 12 Hijrah atau permulaan abad ke 18 Masihi. Keadaan seperti itulah selalunya menghendaki kedatangan seorang tokoh mujaddid seperti Shah Waliyullah.

Rasulullah pernah menyebutkan,
“Sesungguhnya Allah menghantar untuk umat ini dipermulaan 100 tahun orang-orang yang memperbaharui untuknya agamanya” ( HR Abu Daud ) 

Beliau memperjuangkan pemikiran pembaharuan dalam beberapa aspek iaitu :

1.Akidah – Beliau menjelaskan betapa pentingnya akidah untuk membetulkan cara berfikir,beramal dan bertindak.Banyak kesilapan berlaku di kalangan umat Islam kerana salah faham dalam akidah.

2.Berpegang kepada Al-Quran dan Sunah – Beliau menganjurkan supaya ilmu Al-Quran dan Sunah dipelajari secara mendalam supaya umat Islam dapat memahami rahsia-rahsia dan hikmah-hikmah dalam syariat Allah Ta’ala ,seperti yang difahami oleh umat Islam terdahulu.Orang Islam hendaklah mengutamakan Al-Quran dan Sunah sebagai panduan hidup,serta meninggalkan taklid kepada pendapat-pendapat fuqaha melainkan setelah dibahas,dihalusi dan difahami hujah-hujah mereka.

3.Siasah dan pemerintahan – Beliau mengajak umat Islam mencontohi khulafa ar-rasyidin dalam menegakkan syariat Allah melalui pemerintahan Negara Islam.Kitab beliau,”Khilafatul khafa-i-an tarikhil khulafa-i” antaranya menjelaskan tentang cirri-ciri Negara Islam,kewajipan dan tanggungjawab menegak dan memeliharanya.

4.Bahasa Arab – Kebanyakan orang Islam tidak memahami Bahasa Arab,ini menyebabkan mereka tidak memahami Al-Quran dan Sunah secara langsung.Setiap orang Islam sepatutnya tahu Bahasa Arab dan dapat memahami makna Al-Quran sekurang-kurangnya secara umum apabila membacanya.

5.Masa depan Dunia Islam – Dalam perjuangan gerakan Islam, Shah Waliyullah melihat umat Islam perlu bersedia dengan kemampuan akal yang tinggi bagi menghadapi kemajuan dunia.Mereka perlu dibekalkan dengan ilmu dan kefahaman tentang hikmah-hikmah ajaran Islam dan syariat Allah.

Beliau menganjurkan, sekiranya sesebuah negara itu tidak dapat dibaiki lagi kerana terlalu rosak, satu angkatan jihad bagi menumbangkan pemerintahan itu hendaklah diujudkan supaya dapat dibentuk sebuah Negara Islam baru yang dapat melaksanakan syariat Allah.


P/S: Rindu arwah daddy. Kalaulah dia ada, dialah guru terbaik untuk ilmu Shah Waliyullah ini. :'(

Friday, February 3, 2012

My New Toy: La Sardina Domino

Lomography is part of my life. :)

Salah satu analogue kamera yang aku gilakan ialah La Sardina Pattern Addition. Super cool owh.

This is the 35mm film camera. Features:
  • an awesome 22mm wide angle plastic lens
  • MX switch and rewind knob - for multiple exposure 
  • unique design
  • 2 focusing settings. Close up & scenery
  • bulb setting for long exposure

Package includes:
  • one La Sardina camera
  • one La Sardina book
  • one La Sardina lens cover
  • instruction manual

Unique designs to choose:

Finally i got one of these. Jyeahh! Cuba teka yang mana satu aku punya? :D Jeng jeng jeng

mine is DOMINO!

I love CUBIC as well tapi masa nak beli yang CUBIC out of stock pulak. My next aim is Diana Mini. Tapi sebelum tu kena beli Fritz The Blitz flash dulu.

Okay! I'm ready to shoot nice picture now. Bye for now.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hipstamatic For Iphone Review

Selain lomography, aku sangat suka iPhonegraphy. Salah satu aplikasi yang paling aku suka ialah HIPSTAMATIC. Kalau kat iTunes store harganya ialah $1.99. Aku macam biasalah, through Installous of course hahaha.

Hipstamatic ni berkonsepkan old unpredictable analog plastic toy cameras in mind. Developer Hipstamatic ni cuba nak create balik analog feel dalam diri photographer filem analog lama yang telah mengupgradekan diri mereka kepada digital photography.

Standard model Hipstamatic mengandungi 5 lens, 3 filem, 3 flash dan original black hipstacase. Lens dialah yang berfungsi sebagai photo effect. Filem2 tu pulak boleh border effects dalam fixed square format. Flash sebagai additional filter. Boleh jugak purchase additional hipstapaks yang mengandungi 7 Hipstapak pada harga $0.99 satu kalau tak silap. Terdapat jugak 4 freepaks dan goodpaks. Maka jumlah semua yang ada dalam aplikasi Hipstamatic ialah 10 lens, 13 filem, 4 flash, and 7 case.

UI untuk Hipstamatic:

 front case
 back case

Kenapa aku suka Hipstamatic?

Aku suka shoot gambar guna Hipstamatic sebab photo effect dia almost real analog effect. Pastu boleh tukar2 lens dan filem hanya dengan shake off. Boleh dapat berbagai2 gambar dengan berbagai2 effect. One good thing about iPhonegraphy ni boleh transfer masuk laptop terus. Kalau film toy camera yang real tu kena shoot2 dulu sampai habis filem pastu kena pegi kedai hantar proses. Then baru dapat tau gambar jadi ke tak. Hipstamatic is a very good application for lomography secara pantas dan berkesan.

Some of my photos that shoots using Hipstamatic:

Special shoots on my Mandalorian Warrior tehee

Friday, January 27, 2012

10 Reasons To Love Julian Casablancas



1. Julian Casablancas is the vocalist of The Strokes.

2. He comes up with the music and the lyrics.

3. His unique voice and songwriting skills combine to make The Strokes one of the greatest bands of today.

4. His mother is former miss Denmark and his father is the founder of 'Elite' modelling agency.

5. He is known to be an "I don't give a fuck" kind of guy but there is so much more to him.

6. He is half Danish half Spanish.

7. He got wonderful eyes ever, one of the most wonderful voices ever, the most charisma I've ever seen on stage, and the coolest way to hold a microphone!

8. His lyrics are original and intriguing.

9. He's got the right attitude for where he is now, and when it comes to interviews, the boy's got wit.

10. Julian is a symbol of a generation of hipsters and people who know good music.

He is he sexiest man to walk the earth. His voice is so extremely orgasmic.o_O

Ok dah!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Boba Fett Dan Header Baru

Aku ada satu soalan.

Perasan tak header baru blog aku?

Cun kann. Sangat style kann. Heheh. Bukan aku yang buat pun. Kawan baik aku yang buatkan. Tapi mesti korang tertanya tanya why gambar ni yang aku nak letak. Dan mesti ramai yang tak tahu gambar siapa dan apa yang aku letak ni kan. Hari ni aku nak bercerita pasal watak dalam header blog aku. Kenapa aku selalu berselindung di sebalik identiti dia.

Nama dia Boba Fett. Watak dalam filem Star Wars. Aku boleh dikatakan Star Wars freak lah lebih kurang. Boba Fett ni adalah Mandalorian warrior dan jugak bounty hunter. Sejarah pasal Boba Fett boleh baca kat bawah. Sumber dari Wookiepedia, The Star Wars Wiki.

Boba Fett was a Mandalorian warrior and bounty hunter. He was a clone of the famed Jango Fett, created in 32 BBY as the first of many Fett replicas designed to become part of the Grand Army of the Republic, and was raised as Jango's son. Jango taught Boba much, training him to become as skilled bounty hunter as his father-figure was before him. In 22 BBY, Jango was killed at the Battle of Geonosis, which opened the Clone Wars. Just a boy, Boba was forced to grow up and took to traveling the galaxy. Later, he became a bounty hunter and took assignments from beings such as Jabba the Hutt, and achieved notoriety despite his young age.

When the Empire was formed in 19 BBY, it was the perfect environment for Fett. During this time, he also married Sintas Vel and had a daughter named Ailyn Vel. Fett became known as the galaxy's best bounty hunter of the next several decades, often working for the Empire. He collaborated with Darth Vader on several occasions, and the Sith Lord even developed a begrudging respect for the bounty hunter.
In 1 BBY, a year after the Galactic Civil War had begun, Fett was hired to kidnap the Rebel captain Juno Eclipse to use her as bait to lure the clone of Galen Marek. He participated in the Battle of Kamino and when Darth Vader was captured and ready to be interrogated on Dantooine, the Mandalorian bounty hunter followed the Rogue Shadow on the way there.

Fett made his most notable bounty in 3 ABY, when he captured Rebel hero Han Solo, and brought him to Jabba. A year later, during the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon, Fett fought against the group of Rebels. However, he was knocked into the mouth of the Sarlacc by Solo. Though no one in recorded history had ever escaped from the Sarlacc, Fett was able to escape, although not entirely unscathed. Thanks to his iron will and Mandalorian armor, he was able to fight his way out of the beast's belly, killing the Sarlacc. Back in action, he continued his work as a bounty hunter.

After a promise made to a dying Fenn Shysa, Fett became Mandalore and eventually led the Mandalorians through the Yuuzhan Vong War. Originally working as a mercenary for the invaders, Fett later helped the New Republic in their battle against the extragalactic aliens. When t he Yuuzhan Vong assaulted Mandalore and bombarded the surface, a large deposit of Mandalorian iron was unearthed, ironically helping strengthen the Mandalorians. Later, during the Second Galactic Civil War, Boba, who was still leading the Mandalorians, was plagued by his ailing health. He found his granddaughter, Mirta Gev, and the two went on many missions together, even alongside Han Solo. Fett also trained Solo's daughter Jaina to kill her twin brother, Darth Caedus, and assisted the Jedi Coalition in several battles. Ultimately, Fett's training helped Jaina bring down Caedus, though an Imperial nanovirus attack prevented Fett from ever returning to Mandalore.

Sejarah lebih lanjut boleh baca kat sini ----->

Kenapa aku minat Boba Fett? Biasanya orang minat Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Han Solo, Qui Gon Jinn, atau Obi Wan Kenobi.

Pertama, sebab helmet dan armor suit dia sangat cun. Heheh

Kedua, sebab Darth Vader sendiri pernah puji dia.

"I see why they call you the best bounty hunter in the galaxy." Darth Vader

Ketiga, sebab dalam banyak2 watak tak ramai orang perasan dia. Itulah sebab2nya kenapa aku selalu berselindung di sebalik watak si Boba ni. Sekian terima kasih.

P/S: To that one person, one of my VVIP: Thank you for this awesome header best friend. :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Why Complicate Life?

How I see this life.

I just don't understand why some people prefer to:

missing somebody? ----- wait for him/her to call. bila tak call, JK.

wanna meet up? ----- wait for him/her to invite. bila tak di invite, JK.

wanna be understood? ----- remain silent. not even single explanation given. expect him/her to "paham2 sendiri". wtf?

have questions? ----- don't ask. making your own assumption. making your own summary.

don't like something? ----- don't say it. konon bersabar, give & take.

like something? ----- don't state it. pendam.

want something? ----- don't ask for it. don't even give a try. banyak berfikir, banyak alasan. takut mengambil risiko, afraid to be hurt.

love someone? ----- but don't tell him/her. how on earth that they supposed to know?? do you think that they have some kind of psychokinetic power? can read your fucking mind?

Be simple. You'll never know.
Don't think too much. Leave it to God. He will do the rest.

p/s: JK stands for Jiwa Kacau. Peace.